Posts Tagged ‘ anger ’

Abortion: Just another frakken health issue that I need to jump through hoops for!

Today is International Health Day. I’ve been really lucky to have pretty good overall health. More often than not when I go to visit a doctor it’s because I need a note of some kind. For work because I took a sick day, for Uni because I need an extension or (in the future) for a piece of paper saying that I suffer from gender dysphoria so that I can start living my new life.

At the beginning of last year I had to visit the doctor because there was something seriously wrong. I had become pregnant and there was no way that I could bear the child to term.   I hold the view that a fetus becomes a child when the woman in question decides that it’s a child and, well to me, it’s always been a child as soon as that little stick changes colour.   So, I couldn’t have this child.   My relationship was having issues and to put it frankly I just didn’t think that I could handle a second child.  If I had had that child it would have meant that my existing child would suffer as a result.

I was lucky.  I had a miscarraige.  It meant that I didn’t have to skip through all of the ridiculous hoops that countless women before me had to.

I couldn’t have that child because it was just the wrong time in my life.  Not only would I have suffered but so would my child and my partner.  I couldn’t do that to them.  Yet that would not have been reason enough to get an abortion under our current laws.  I would have had to exagerate the truth somewhat and say that ‘my mental health would drastically suffer’.  The fact that my life would become CRAP just wouldn’t be reason enough.

Why don’t we trust women enough to decide what’s best for them?

We just need to trust them.  They know what’s best for themselves.  We need to support them in whatever decision they make and we need to make sure it is safe, affordable, accesible, without question and on demand.

BUT, hang on…. I hear some of you asking…. Isn’t this supposed to be, well like, a blog on your transitioning and stuff?  What does abortion stuff have to do with that?

EVERYTHING!!  Trans Rights and Abortion Rightsare the same thing.  They are about trusting people to know what is best for themselves in their own very unique and personal situation.  Nobody has the right to say what you can and can’t do to your body except for YOU!

Abortion is a crime in my country and that’s just wrong.

All I want is the right to decide what happens to my body wether that’s aborting an embryo or getting chest reconstruction.

It’s my body, get your stupid laws off it!

Go have a look at ALRANZ, read up on the ridiculous situation at the moment and write a letter to your MP.  Hell, get all uppity and join one of the pro-choice groups near wherever you are and go on a protest or rally, attend a hui or better still let some of your friends know whats going on.

You should also pop over to The Hand Mirror and read the other blogs in the swarm that are phrased a lot more eloquently than mine.

(I know I haven’t been posting much, I’m trying to pass papers at Uni)


It was going really well. So well.

I have awesome friends. I got rid of most of the idiots a while ago.

But I swear, the next person who says to me ‘Oh, of-course! Gender is complete fluid. I’m gender-queer too.’ I am going to hit over THE FRICKEN HEAD.

Right, so those of you who know me, know that I will do no such thing. But seriously, I feel like screaming.

I’m really bloody happy for you that your in touch with your gender-queerness and enjoy being a feminine male or masculine female, really I am. But you manage to do it while still representing to the general public the gender that they expect you to display.

I am not a feminine male. Nor am I a masculine female.

I am a male/female, therefore I am both feminine/masculine.

I was so happy for a while there, I wasn’t getting angry at all. Shit.

Is the problem the definition, peoples understanding of the definition, or am I just being too precious?

Some days it almost feels that it would be worth changing my name (which I like and am comfortable with) and asking people to change pronouns just so they’ll take this shit seriously.

Damn it.